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Federal Actions for Urban Planning: Towards better cities for all

This report analyses opportunities and possible lines of action in federal urban public policies to enable an urban transformation towards a more sustainable and inclusive model


Héctor Miguel Donado Bula, Nicolás García Córdoba and Lisa Gluckstein

In Mexico, urban land planning is part of the jurisdiction of local governments. However, federal public policies influence greatly the urban development model through the implementation of nation-wide programs. The urban model that has prevailed in the last years has fostered disperse, disconnected, and low-density cities, which have had great implications in urban inclusivity and sustainability.

This report analyses opportunities and possible lines of action in federal urban public policies to enable an urban transformation towards a more sustainable and inclusive model. The analysis is structured in six topics: housing, land management, urban mobility, urban resilience, metropolitan governance and urban development financing.

The analysis and the recommendations are based on a work led by the World Resources Institute Mexico (WRI Mexico), with the support from the local and global work of the Coalition for Urban Transitions.