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Harnessing new urban mobility services

This Global Programme focused on the ways that national governments could maximise the benefits and manage the costs of new mobility services, such as electric vehicles, bike-sharing and virtual ticketing.

New mobility services are taking off, in part because entrepreneurs have identified weaknesses and gaps in existing transport systems. Public transit systems in many middle- and high-income countries are under strain from rising costs and soaring passenger demand. Other cities lack the infrastructure for public transport or safe walking and cycling, so citizens depend on private vehicles to move around the city. New mobility services might complement or compete with these established modes of transport in different cities.

This Global Programme explored the potential benefits associated with new mobility services, and considered how governments could integrate them to enhance transport for urban residents. The first working paper presented the first global survey of new mobility services, and identified emerging trends and opportunities for decision-makers in both the public and private sectors. Next, the team looked at the nature and sequence of infrastructure investments to drive a transition to electric, shared mobility in cities.